Install New Diesel and MOGAS Truck Fill Stands


MCRD-PI, Parris Island, SC

Contract Method

Design / Bid / Build

Brief Project Description

The work included the construction of new truck fillstands for both Diesel and MOGAS so that MCRD Parris Island would have the ability to load Refueling Vehicles from the existing on-site storage tanks to self-support in the event of an emergency or destructive weather event and incidental related work. The fillstands are equipped with a Scully overfill protection system to prevent vehicles from overfilling. A new fillstand canopy was installed over the new fillstand equipment. Reliable also provided an additional drive lane to allow tank trucks to offload and fill while being positioned within the truck containment area. Modifications were made to the Mogas and two Diesel tanks to install new fillstand pumps. Also included is the repair of the existing canopy at the Ground Fuels Service Station (Government Gas Station). These repairs included a completely new roof structure, gutters, paint system, and lightning protection system.

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