Replace Hydrant Fuel System


MacDill AFB, FL

Contract Method

Design / Bid / Build

Brief Project Description

The project called for the replacement of four deteriorated, obsolete hydrant fuel systems, with a single pressurized system. The primary scope of work was to construct a new pressurized hydrant fuel system consisting of a 6,000 LF underground hydrant loop of 12″ / dual wall SS pipe, a 16,000 LF above ground transfer line of 10″ carbon steel coated (most of which was installed very close to an active highway on base), a 152-liter-per-second (2,400 GPM) pump house, twelve hydrant fuel outlet pits, two 25,000 bbl. storage tanks complete with aluminum floating pans, tank coatings, truck fillstands, offloading stations, tank farm piping, concrete containment with liners around the new bulk tanks, aircraft parking apron, an emergency generator, a pump control system, an intelligent “pipe line pigging” cleaning and inspection system, cathodic protection and leak detection systems. Dewatering was another major challenge we overcame. With a water table at approximately two and one half feet below the surface and the unusually wet summer experienced, water removal was a large activity and required constant attention throughout the life of the project.

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