DLA Hydrant Fueling System Alteration
Little Rock AFB, AR
Contract Method
Design / Bid / Build
Brief Project Description
This project provided a new pump house near the bulk fuel farm, with three 600-GPM pumps, filter separators, a jockey pump and all related piping, piping supports, valves, and appurtenances. The pump house contains a pump room, control room, fire sprinkler room, restroom and mechanical room, along with emergency shut-off, emergency shower and eyewash, HVAC, fire sprinklers, alarms, bridge crane, pump controls, grounding and lightning protection, power line communications (PLC) for pump control, emergency fuel shut-offs for the new truck unload, all communications and data infrastructure, leak detection panels and environmental management control systems (EMCS) equipment. The HVAC system connects to the base-wide EMCS system. Anti-terrorism (AT/FP), cyber-security, and sustainable design principles are incorporated into the design and construction. The pump house supports new fill stands at the flight line, the existing bulk fill stands, and the truck unload and gravity fed drop tanks, located at the bulk fuel farm. The new fill stands replace the two existing fill stands on the flight line and tie into the existing transfer lines and each are equipped with two pantographs. The two new truck unload stations utilize a gravity fed drop tank off-loading system that ties into the pump house. Each tank has two 600-GPM offload pumps. Each station has spill containment and ties into the new containment basin. Site work included trench excavation and backfill, as well as, excavation for embankments and structures. Grading and compaction work for the whole site, pumphouse foundations, pipe supports, offload station drive lanes. Supporting electrical work included primary and secondary service & connections, transformers, standby generator, site lighting at both the bulk area and airfield, grounding at truck fill stands, tank level alarms, tank gauging and alarms, product recovery tank and unload drop tank alarms and gauging, underground duct bank with fiber optic connection to the pump house, leak detection and cathodic protection. Supporting mechanical piping and utilities included product recovery tank, issue & receipt piping and supports to the bulk tanks, tank modifications, FML liner repairs, piping and supports from truck unload to drop tanks, piping and supports from the existing fill stands at bulk storage, pipe cleaning (PIG) launcher and receiver and other piping to connect existing facilities to the fuel system. Demolition of essential piping, equipment, electrical, and concrete as necessary to complete the scope of work. Site Improvements include asphalt and concrete paving, spill containment curbing and basins, site walks, site grading and seeding. Civil utilities include storm water piping and improvements, potable water, firewater, sanitary pump station and connections, gates and fencing.