Replace Pumphouse and Truck Fillstands
Redstone Arsenal, AL
Contract Method
Design / Build
Brief Project Description
This project included demolition of the unused GO-CO fuel system components at three sites at the Arsenal: Bulk Fuel Storage, RSA Army Airfield, and Military Service Station (MSS) on Patriot Road. Items demolished included ATG equipment, communications equipment, fuel dispensers and dispenser island, canopies, pump house, perimeter fencing at Bulk Fuel Storage and MSS sites, Operations Building at MSS site, Aboveground fuel storage tanks at MSS site and Bulk Fuel Storage sites, Underground Fuel storage tanks at RSA Army Airfield, fuel load/offload equipment, motor controls, EFSO’s, fuel leak detection equipment, associated premise wiring and electrical conduit. The work also included phasing and close coordination with the RSA Army Airfield flight operations manager.