Demolition of Fueling Facilities
Ft. AP Hill, VA
Contract Method
Design / Build
Brief Project Description
This project consisted of the demolition of Diesel, JET-AA/F24, and MOGAS underground fuel storage tanks and fueling system appurtenances at fueling areas Camp Archer, Camp Cooke, Camp Heth, Camp Pender, Camp Rodes, and Wilcox #1 on Fort A.P. Hill, VA; Cleaning and removing mogas and diesel fuel dispensers; cleaning and removal of four each, 10,000 gallon, underground diesel storage tanks (USTs); cleaning, removal and disposal of: two each, 10,000 gallon double-walled, FRP MOGAS USTs; two each, 8,000 gallon double-walled steel, MOGAS USTs; two 8,000 gallon double-walled steel USTs; two each, 5,000 gallon double-walled steel USTs; Cleaning, demolition and removal of six each surface concrete, fuel islands, dispenser sumps, bollards and removal of electrical connections to each fuel facility. Closeout Reports were prepared, approved by the environmental department officer at Ft. A P Hill, who then filed the reports with the Virginial Department of Environmental Quality.
After the fuel system and other site improvements were removed, structural fill (V DOT 21-A crushed stone) was imported, spread and compacted to restore and match adjacent parking areas. Topsoil was imported, spread and compacted at the formerly grassed areas that we disturbed. We then installed fertilizer, seed, straw and kept the areas watered until turf was established.