Fueling System Repairs


Letterkenny Army Depot, PA

Contract Method

Design / Build

Brief Project Description

The project consisted of fueling system upgrades at two locations, Coffey Avenue Diesel Tank and Georgia Avenue Mogas & Diesel Tanks.

At Coffey Avenue the work consisted of the following on (1) 10,000 gallon Diesel AST:  Included all work to provide a platform and guardrail in accordance with 29 CFR part 1910 the full length of the existing diesel tank. Provide new EFSO station near the existing diesel tank dispenser.  Field verify the existing EFSO is functional and repair as necessary.  Included all work to replace threaded piping with welded piping associated with the existing diesel tank in accordance with UFC 3-460-01, including providing new pipe supports. Included all work associated with removing and replacing existing curbed concrete containment area associated with the diesel tank and dispenser.

At Georgia Avenue the work consisted of the following at the existing 10,000-gallon Mogas tank and 10,000-gallon Diesel tank:    All work to extend the existing vent piping through the canopy structure for the MOGAS storage tank and Diesel storage tank. Included all work to repair and flash penetrations through existing canopy from vent penetrations.  Furnish/Install existing tanks with overfill prevention valve set close to 95% tank capacity. Provide a platform and guardrail in accordance with 29 CFR part 1910 the full length of each tank. Included all work to install two new remote EFSO stations along paths of ingress/egress of the truck load positions per UFC 3-460-01 requirements and one local EFSO station at each dispenser.  New EFSO stations were integrated into the existing fueling system. Included all work to provide a new lightning protection system for the Ground Fuels Station meeting NFPA 780 requirements. Included new LED canopy lighting fixtures rated for Class I Division 2 areas. Included all work to remove existing (1) MOGAS dispenser and (2) Diesel Dispensers and install new dispensers with new containment pedestals.  Included all work to replace all brass and bronze valves with fire safe carbon steel valves.

Included all work to provide new compound pressure gauges on the suction of the pumps and pressure gauges on the discharge of the pumps per UFGS 33 52 43.11 pressure gauge requirements. Included all work to replace approximately 10 butterfly valves with new 3” high performance, triple offset butterfly valves at each tank. Included all work to provide new flow switches on the discharge of the load/offload pumps. Included all work to provide one new temperature compensated positive displacement flow meter and meter supports with a minimum flow range of 30-300 gpm and new bulk air eliminator on the inlet of the new meters. Included all work to provide meter prover connections in accordance with UFC 3-460-01. Included all work to replace the existing Scully Groundhog cords with one of suitable length to connect to trucks during offloading operations. Included all work to install a truck overfill prevention and deadman control system at both truck load positions per UFC 3-460-01. Included all work to replace all brass and bronze valves with carbon steel valves. Included all work to provide new drains and caps for the strainers.

Temporary storage tanks were provided with truck offloading/loading capabilities for diesel and a temporary storage tank for mogas with dispensing capabilities.  This was discovered during conversations with the end user that it was necessary to continue the bases operations.  A modification was provided for the extra scope of work.

The existing steel tank containments at the Georgia Avenue site were breached, a modification was provided to fabricate and install new containments.  This consisted of removal of all mechanical equipment and electrical devices to roll the existing containments out from underneath the canopy.  The new containments were shop fabricated per the 05 50 13 specification and field coated per the 09 97 13.27 specification.  A crane was utilized to lift the existing tanks and set them into the new containments, and then relocated to its existing position.  At this time, all the existing electrical and mechanical was reinstalled along with the new equipment and electrical per the original contract.

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